Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Surprise class

2day the class.....
so surprise because ...
vivian's brother join us 2 enter the class...
hahah ....
he feel bored as ntg 2 do stay at ting wei house...
b4 that he go Orange Internet ...on9 ..
and play
i think he will play the SDO games....
somemore there will very jam for the internet line...
if not he wont join us enter the class 1....
after v take the lunch at the back door ...
the makmak....
v enter the class la....
he so scare the teacher will notice him not our class...
and score him...
actually he no nid worry about it ...
because our lecturer very nice ma...
very nice until crazy ...
juz keeping in teaching ....
during the class....
vivian take out the biscuit from her bag...
and eat in the lecture hall ...
haiz~~~~`go geng and bek chek ...
juz now juz eat eat again .....
that y she so F**...
hahaha..kidding nia....dun angry orrrr......
suddenly her brother tell ....
brother: ' sister enter the class take out the biscuit and eat study 1...'
i tell him ...
no la tis juz a 1st time do like that only....
last time juz sleep and talking only ...
he stunned in front of me ....
his face look like very blur ....and "empty"...
hahaha ,.....
after the class .....
khuan chong bring ting wei go fetch her NS friend ...
call lao dou....>>father
hahaha....then v dun hv follow ...
because v more 'guai' than them ma....
v wan enter the class....
when v wan start our statistics class...
suddenly got a cat come in the class....
but then vivian wont notice that n know that....
chee kuan lie her...
say that : "vivan ur dog(vitolie) coming"
vivian so happy asking him where...
then she know that is a cat ...
she so stun and surprise....
she jump jump jump .......
and shout ...
got cat got cat ar....
she jump like monkey i saw that ...
so funny ...
i juz know she very scare the lizard...
besides that ..
she also scare cat....
so funny ....hahahhaha
even she scare the cat ...
she still wan take photo the cat..
omg ...shit~~~~~
scare but keep take photo ....
somemore ask the tutor ...: "r u scare the cat o x?"
then the tutor stunned by the question ask by vivian..
haha then she juz keep quite and feel funny
she shout in the class ...
until the class aldy until half n hour....
no nid continue class lo ....
by then ..2day i didn't feel boring ....
and so happy and funny during the cat come in the class....
because i know that vivian scare the cat also .......
anywhere take care for all my friends

Assignment again

hearing wan submit the assignment
to the teacher ...
i also feel scare ..
omg ...v nid to rush the assignment again ....
so tired wan to do it...
i think i will do it overnite again....
x nid sleep aldy lo ....
so bek chek ....
how come like that 1.....
i hate it life become like that...
always until last min juz wan do it ...
for me ..
same thing only
juz wait until last day ..
juz can force me go do it....
2nite yy will come my house sleep..
because of the assignment....
assignment again..~~~~~
so i decide cook big dinner 2nite...
when i reach home aldy around....3++pm
so tired ...i tik i wan sleep awhile...
then juz go buy the vegetables and some beverage..
as serve YY and Jacky....
this 2 couple ar....
take dinner also wan 2gether ...
wakakakaka juz kidding la...
haha famous for them ...last 2 week
but now aldy cool down ...
because "he" aldy stop keep talking their relationship...
as his relationship more confuse 2 ....
wakakak ....
guess who as i mention that~~~~
i think YY will know that ...
so tired ar~~~~~y our college so busy 1 de.....
really out of my hope....
2nite will busy ...
because YY, Jacky , Jia Liang, Xai Xuan, his gf ...
will come my house doing the assignment...
haiz~~~~so many ppl come my house ....
can open party aldy lo...
really hate the assignment.....
affect my mood~~~
anywhere still continue finish it....
omg~~~fast fast finish it then can go tea time lo.....
and 2moro will go genting 2 countdown ...
hahaha happy .....
and the jacky will become Zombie 2nite....soon....

Sunday, December 27, 2009

boring saturday

i feel boring whole day...
around 5++pm smtg wake up...
ntg do it.......
facebook +ing lo...
haiz....stupid day and me....
some more stupid my hp...
because some1 sms 2 me...
that is khuan chong lo...
he sms me ...
wan go sing k o x...
but anywhere...i always on d ma...
rite ? haha..
so i reply him ...ok x problem ...
i still wan keep sleeping ...
but aldy 2 late le...
aldy 5 smtg...
x choice la ....wake up lo...
so keeping facebook....
haha...ntg 2 do lo...
lucky khuan chong ask me go sing k...
haha......but until 7 and 8 o'clock...
he still dun hv call me ...go out...
i think no go aldy ...
suddenly he sms me...
say that v go tea time ...
haiz ..ok lo .....
then i ask where ?
he say ampang ....
what ampang again ...
ok ...on again la...
haha...after v decide go look up point
or gaseline tea time la...
because v also dun know where v go ...
when v reach ...
x body wan service us....
so i call them come....
a girl staff come....and service us...
but she say she wan rest a few min ...
because 2 busy ...
omg ..wht kind of services....
like shit...
after that she tell us ...
all things cannot order ...
unless the chicken , beef, lamp chop only...
and the drink also juz can order 1 soda only...
then v change 2 look up point ...
juz a menu let us choose only...
all things around RM40 and above....
some more the drink also ....
1 drink RM8.00 for every beverage....
so expensive....
then change again ....
v go STATION 1...tea time ...
their services better than juz now....
so good ....
excellent hahaha....
play card until around 4++...
reach home also around 5 ++....
haha...this few days always late sleep ...
late wake up..
i hope that tis week i can keep continue like that ...
at least tis few days can reduce my street ....
i x nid feel so trouble ...
dun know y ..
i so miss my son .....XX...
i dun know y when i chat v him ...
i never feel trouble ...
so relax on that time .....
my dear son ...
i miss u ...


dun know y suddenly think out this song...
我们这里还有鱼 ....
tis song so touching....
for our form5 graduation ....
may b i still can't forget my best friends...
and my classmate in secondary scul.....
EEE, yee voon, ah liam, snoopy hoong...
and so on ....
i still can remember them 4ever...
haha ...last time v play 2gether...
sing 2gether, .....kao jiao 2gether ....
but now more last time lo...
time is over, age is over, ppl also over...
nowadays juz can know that....
i may know other friends...
like in my college....
lucky i know so good friends here...
i never regret as i choose tis course and tis..
scul as i study ...
i know that if i tell friends ..
i study at TARC college now....
i think they will think cheap ...
and not so popular 1.....
but i won't think so ...
may b i hv think like that b4...
haha time is over ...
time can let some1 to change his o her mind...
may b i am the 1 .....
the time change my mind ...
during i study in this scul .....
haha so happy as i know so good friends...
like yy, jacky, vincent, vivian, ah wei, xx, ting wei.......
but anywhere la....
i also very miss my friends in my secondary scul lo....
dun know y ...
may b the time let me change like that ..
haha long time no miss them aldy ....
i think if i hv the time sure i will go bk my
hometown meet them ....
tea time v them ..
somemore chat v them ...
haha ....i think they got a lot of story chat v me...
some more they ask me go pub drink beer also ...
omg 1 girl invite me also ...
haha ...time is over lo....
go drink beer...
last time v juz go drink tea and mama only...
now....go pub lo...
so miss them ....
anywhere ...take care for all my friends la...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My gf birthday...

erm ..i dun know how 2 celebrate her birthday ..
last time i hv plan ...
but x enough time ...
so i decide change another 1...
i decide steam-boot in my house....
got jacky, yy, ting wei, vincent, vivian, xai xuan, rui, ah wei....
all of my best friends la....
that i invite them come ....
after class ....i plan go pasar seni...
buy a present that is a flower for her...
because she always mention me last time ....
she love the blue rose flower .....
so i go there and buy it....
and yy accompany me go....
omg far ....take LRT....
x choice her birthday ...
nid 2 buy also ....
after v reach there ...v can't found that ...
the blue rose....
because out of store jor....
so after this shop ..go there shop ......
finally i found that ....
so no nid think so much ...
juz buy it ..because that day very hot ....
after that i regret jor....
as the flower so big enough and large.....
i feel malu when i take it on my hand ....from
pasar seni to wangsa maju....
then from wangsa maju to TBR ....
so many ppl look at me ....
i really feel malu ...
bek chek...
after back i hide the flower as dun wan gv her 1st ...
and go buy the food and things for the steam-boot.....
i buy a lot of food ...
but less then RM100.00....
they dun believe when i told them ....
wakaka ....
because i compare the price ma.....
so very cheap only lo.....
x nid spent 2 much ....
started our steam-boot......
eat eat eat ....
no stop for her ...
juz sit and start 2 eat ...
really fat lo....
tell her always say nvm 1....
i will keep fit next time.....
at that time i suddenly become the staff o waiter....
serves them so well.....
finish the soup ....
then call me refill....
they really "big eat"....
after few min....
call me refill the soup again ...
omg ....
drink so muck ...
haha ..nvm la ...happy nia.....
after that they decide play the games ...
they play until so crazy and stupid....
kiss u ....kiss him ...kiss her.....
snake kiss also ...
is boy v the boy ....
so sad ....wanna vomit .....
haha...finally ....
playing until moody ....
they ask me take off the cloth....
i am the 1st 1 take off the cloth ....
haiz ..
nvm la ...
in my house ma .....
ntg species....after all boy aldy taken off the cloth .....
they ask them taken off pants ...omg ....
wakaka...lucky ah wei and i ....
no nid taken off the plants ...
because v end the games leh so lated aldy....
so xai xuan , vincent, and jacky taken off all the things ....
juz leave the underwear...
v lose ..then drink the beer ....
so sad la .....always is jacky , yy and ting wei them ....
i also limited them dun buy so much la....
because 2moro still got the exam ar.....
then eat the cakes...
and sing the song for fannie.....
then finish our steam-boot go 2nd-round ...
go tea sri rampai ....KK
around 4++a.m juz go bk ...
then sleep ....
take care for all my friends

Monday, December 21, 2009

disappointed result

2day ...i hv a mid-term test for
my english for science subject ...
the tutor have gv us a tips...
that is the question...
may come out either is memorandum o letter writing..
i know the trip ...
so what ..
i also lazy to study it ....
so decode go play the badminton v my friends..
that is lizard , yy, vincent and ah wei ...
after so tired and pain for my legs....and hands...
but happy also ....
then come bk home also start playing my games...
not yet start my revision...
luckily the officer set the question is memorandum ....
so easy to write ...
all of my friends c so no mood also for 2days...
they all juz go the back door XXXX....
haiz what can i feel ....
follow also lo ...wakakakaka..
all kaki ma ....
when i enter back the class..
the tutor distribute the last mid-term question paper ...
that is statistics II paper....
omg surprise for my result....
i get less than half mark of the total marks...
the total mark is 45....
i get 21.5....
then the tutor say less than 22.5...nid to make good...
for this test....
shit shit and shit ...
i never do the make good test b4 ....
this is the 1st time for make good ....
omg ...
how come i will become like that...
study overnite also get so low marks....
then study for what ....
i never know that my mark will as low as like shit...fuck....
so sad for me ....
i dun know y like that ......
i think i can pass it ...
but so disappointed for myself .....
i really so sad and surprise when i getting my paper.....
really unbelievable .....
my friends also very surprise y i will get this marks....
because i never get so low b4....
and this subject is math...
sure i will get higher mark 1 ...
but that is a true for me ...
i really get that low mark.....
so i able 2 make good le...
i feel my tear was coming out....
so i try 2 stop....that...
finally i done stopping my tear come out.....
i so sad .....
i scare my final exam also like that .....
so how can i future study ne...if i result is like that ....
fuck la....stupid for me....
so regret i dun wan study hard b4....
sad sad sad sad .....

my heart was broken ...

my tear was come out ...

my feeling was moody ...

my result was bad ...

my study wan useless ...

my life was boring ....

friends take care la...

boring day

haiz.....most the days always
no mood and boring ..
how come my life become so sien ...
who can tell me ...
and let me know ....
study and study ...
otherwise sleeping, and 0n9 ...
so sien my life....
who can talk v me ...
chat v me ....
and make dun be so sien ....
if x i think i will die for my boring life....
anyway i still nid 2 continue my life ...
i dun know what happen for ...
always stay in no mood situation...
i try 2 catch up my study ...
useless ...
because i x mood wan 2 study yet....
but i know my final exam was coming soon...
what can i do ...
i think b4 started my 2nd semester in 2nd year...
i wan try 2 make my CGPA be last time
as high as possible....
i won think is my relationship v my gf ...
affect my result ....
the problem is come from myself ...
last time i no nid study ...
i also can get a well result ...
but nowadays won be....
so sad for me....
come bk home ....
i never take out my note 2 study ....
unless b4 the mid-term ...
i juz taken out ....
i very disappointed for myself...
i never think i will become bad and bad
during my education ....
i believe that i will very regret if i
still continue like that.....
x mood...doing everything ..
also careless and cannot get a well result...
even thought i try 2 push myself...
also ntg species...
that is a big problem as i face now....
juz a word ...sien ....
who can make me dun be so sien ....
i think juz clubbing can make me dun be so sien only....
because i like it ...
that is time 2 let me reduce my street....
so i may stop here...
all my friend ..take care and happy...

Monday, December 14, 2009


how 2 reduce the stress and pressure....
may i find some1 2 chat?
o go drink beer again ...
until drunk....o go dance ....
until very tire and no feeling ?
what should i do ....
can not go die also ....
i must take care my family..on future life....
i must think twice b4 i do.....
i have think b4 is ....should i give up my education ...
i know that i dun like study ...
but for my parent....
they ask me ....if u dun wan study ...
what can u do ....
i tell them a lot la...
like work
then they scold me ....u so young....
who wan work in their shop o company o ....
juz keeping scold...
so i continue my diploma now....
after 1 and the half yr ...
in coming few month i will graduate le ....
i try 2 ask my dad ...
after diploma ..
can i future study in advanced diploma ...
i haven finish what i say ..
he aldy scold me ....
change 2 degree la ....
advanced not good 1 la...
change 2 UTAR la....
omg ....what can i say in continue ne...
so i decide diam and shut up....
juz let him scold until he feel happy....
after that i try 2 ask my mother opinion
my mon juz tell me i dun know o ...
u better ask dad ....
but i aldy try 2 ask la ....
useless .....finally juz get scold and scold....
after i think myself for a few minutes....
i go 2 tell my mother say that ...
next time thing u all no nid discuss la...
i juz come 2 inform u all ....
not discuss v u all....
that all.....damn sad for me .....
i try 2 find my family 2 discuss my personal problem ....
they juz know scold n never think out ...
they never stand at my condition and think ....
never never and never ....
damn sad damn sad ......
i can sharing my personal thing 2 who ne .....
really can find out some1 accompany me ....
and help settle all the things o problem as i face....b4 and now
i dun know y i dun like share my thing 2 other ppl ....
include my family and gf ....
because i know that will bring more trouble 2 me only....
so i will keeping all my things ...
as settle in well ways ...
whether that is good o bad....

No mood....

i found that another shoes lost also....
my spot shoes.... sad.....
no money 2 buy new 1 la.....
how come the god treat me like that 1....
1 trouble haven settle ...
another come again ....
adding me pressure.....
let me can't breathing le...
shit la....who can help me ....Fk the god....
i really dun know my face so "black" ...
my classmate ask me what happen for u ....
y this few days ur face become like that 1....
happy n smile la ...
haha ...actually i also dun wan like that ..
but i dun know what happen for me also ....
so i answer them ...ntg ....
juz know that i lie them ....
i really can't breathing le la.....
may i share something 2 my gf ....
for me ...i think very hard...
because i feel that ..she also can't help...
even she is my gf ...but i dun wan let her know ....
dun wan let any1 know what happen for me ..
because i never tell other ppl know my thing ...
accept my gf so....
so i very apologize 2 my gf....
i think i will recover bk as fast as possible ....
because i also very tired .....
dun know what can i do now ....
juz let it pass, pass and pass....
whole day also like that mood at all....
homework also lazy 2 do it .....
i know i slow slow can't catch up le ....
but i still keep it like that.....
few months can graduate le ....
also dun wan study hard ....
recover bk my result .....
so species for my life ....
how come .....???????
i also dun know ....
may b i entering the bad life gua....
haha sad....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My shoes....

yesterday juz drink beer .....
2day my shoes lose jor...
how come like that....
my shoes also wan steal ...
omg ..
the thief dun hv money buy the shoes meh ...
damn angry 1....
because i know my shoes lose when i wakes up...
fffffff him ar....
dun know y at TBR here so many thief 1....
izz't here is thief town ....
last time juz steal my pendrive ....
steal my pencil box...
now shoes also wan steal ....
omg ....unbelievable ....
around RM 70++ for my format shoes ...
nid 2 say bb to it le ....
so sad ...nid 2 buy a new 1 again ....
so cham ar .....who can help me ...
my financial problem juz recover bk around few week ...
now face the problem again ..
i hate it....
this few week ..
i spend around RM4000.00++....
omg ....GOD pls help me la....
haiz...x choice ...still wan settle myself...
but anywhere still ok lo...
can't go clubbing in this few month....
nid 2 save cost ...
really hate the thief ....
even that is a real thing...
also wan steal it...
always doa that side ....
useless and stupid ....
i dun care i am Malaysian o x....
but the malay ppl really is pig.....
even thought u r the president o sultan ....
also stupid ....because u r pig....
always rely on the allah o GOD...
what thing u can get it....
juz know how 2 talk, sleep and eat..
same v the pig....
kill u ..malay pig

Drink beer again!!

i wakes up...
when YY call me ...
at that time i psych out...
as she ask where got beer drink ...
then i ask her ...
y suddenly wan drink beer ne
she tell me actually not she wan ...
is some 1...wan drink beer....
i know is who la...
but dun wan list out her name la...
haha if not later she will scold me 1....
i also long time didn't drink beer lo...
haha but anywhere la...
i still accompany them drink 1....
so they decide buy the beer come my house drink....
but i never think they will buy so much....
they buy 24 ...
how come so much ...u all wan drink until vomit ma?
haha....we playing the card ....
who choose the smaller o bigger number ...
will drink the beer ...
omg ....really crazy lo .....but very happy also ....
all playing untill so crazy ....
jacky vomit also ....
"she" drunk also ....
haha...i nothing ....
because i no drink so much ....
so safe lo ....
when jacky vomit ...omg toilet
all things that is vomited by jacky ...
shit ...i nid 2 clear and clean all....
but friend ma ...nvm la....
juz help him ....haha crazy....
after khuan chong go bk ....
i put the 2 drunker into the empty room ...
let them rest and sleep .....
so blur for them ......
i also feel damn tire also ....
suddenly YY tell me she wan download ....the movie...
so she use jacky laptop 2 download...
but dun hv the thunder s/w ....
so i borrow my laptop 2 her to download it...
my laptop download movie very fast ..
she feel very happy...
juz 1 hour only ...
aldy downloaded ....
she also blur blur...
because she suddenly say out ..
juz this movie can make me high only...
she really very high ....
that all for my blog la....
juz write at here...
and stop at here...
hope u all can happy always ...
and fast fast settle the trouble la ...
take care...

Bad & F##k presentation

I really hate the teacher of my subject ..
that Miss Low...
for my English for Science Subject...
i dun know where i do wrong ...
firstly i start our presentation
so i explain who is my partner and the intro ..
what title we will present later....
i also explain the which parts i will present
and which parts my partner will present it ..
actually v plan that is ...
1st i explain the long report...
then my partner will start present .....
until some part ..
as i will continue it..
suddenly she scold me ...that teng hann u aldy start the intro
then u let ur partner continue ..
so the intro mark of ur partner will 0 marks...
and u also 0 marks for ur intro....becuase u dun hv ur own intro
what the fuck!!!!!
u never tell me ...
each person must hv their own introduction..
but nvm ...
i still wan to continue it .......
she say i dun hv eyes contact v other ppl ....
but i aldy try my best to do it ...
u still wan scold me...
shit .....after that she say i juz follow read the power only..
i dun know ..i hv do it like that o x?
but i not the 1 like that ...
i very tired as i prepare this assignment until
i do it overnite for 2 days dun hv sleep le...
what can i do ....
somemore ....vivian juz put wrong the title only ....
she also wan scold until she say the content marks will be zero ...
actually juz a printing error....
only title ma ...can print again ma ....
like that also wan minus the mark ...
the content mark become 0 marks....
fuck ...
make the vivian cry aldy ....
this i also can accept ...
but my son (chee kwan) explain 2 u until he cry ...
how come u so strict ...
i know u r the teacher for advance diploma 1...
but v juz diploma only..
u x nid teach us using the advance diploma standard ....
u know i really feel so pressure for u ...
every week i also dun like attend ur class ...
that y i always late enter the class..
i dun like c ur face also ....
i also feel unfair for the presentation....
after our present u juz mention that the misstake u can't do that ...
then u tell other group that u must do this that....
so sure their marks must high then us lo ...
like that also can ...
fuck fuck fuck ....

Monday, November 23, 2009

Khuan Chong Birthday

is the crazy guy birthday leh.... time for me to revenge bk 2 him lo....
after class....
i decide go cinema watch 2012...
so v take LRT ...2 times square....
but .....when v reach there...
v saw many ppl on there...
then v go check the time for 2012...
at that time juz around 5.15pm...
v decide take the movie 2012 at 5.45pm...
when v order..
the staff say...
the 2012 ticket aldy full sold le...
if u wan ...u must wait until 9++pm..
juz got ticket ...
how come like that ...
so terrible....
but nvm la....
v go gai gai lo....
after few hours....
v take LRT go bk ....
because v wan go eat steamboat....
in telephone restaurant....
near Genting Klang....
so v go bk ....prepare ...
after that i call vivian come my house fetch me n my gf...
then i go take he cake...
as my gf aldy ordered last week...
juz haven take it....
following....v directly go the restaurant...
n wait khuan chong ..them reach....
walao...that side so traffic jam lo...
because got event in that sides....
so challenging for vivian....
as she drive the car....
but lastly...she still can park the car in well place...
then v all scare....
finally my gf help her park it....
haha....better like that..
So now...
starting our dinner lo...
so happy...

Happy Birthday 2 khuan chong
wish u happy 4ever

This guy birthday o....
~~~~Happy birthday 2 U~~~~

me n brother chong

Before playing the cake

After playing the cake

Finally ...v wan go bk lo.....

Long time x on9 le....

i came bk aldy....
long time didn't update my blog lo...
because in my house...
no internet access...
so i can't on9 lo.....
so cham a....
dun know is the line problem ...o
the house leader didn't pay the internet fees...
but whatever la....
very sien lo ...
in this few days...
but at least i hv go clubbing in 3 times ...
for the last 2 week....
so happy le...
until now.....suddenly stop all the activities...
i feel that something lose...
i also dun know y my feeling become like that...
very cham very cham.....
no mood study ....nvm....
can't concentrate in the class also....
how i become so lazy le...
may b is the subject as i taking now...
2 boring aldy....
always is probability....
let me learn in til my brain broken....
cannot on9 can i do...
dun wan study ...dun wan study...dun wan study...
i dun wan study ar.....
but x choice...
still wan continue it....
may b i will find some jod 2 earn some money..
some more waste the time ....
dun let me so boring my life...

Cutu cute Picture~~

No places aldy.....
i wan die lo...

I also can sit on the chair...

I very tired ...dun disturb me o....


Me too.....


U...dun move....

Friday, November 13, 2009

RED box....

b4 my birthday....
YY, Jacky, Vincent, n my gf....
bring me go sing the song....
can go kai kai lo ....
but anyway i think they got smtg lie me la....
i dun know what they wan 2 do....
i feel some scare.....
all r ghost ...
but nvm ...i juz follow ....
b4 start go time squares ....
they go play the pool TBR....
omg it again ...
didn't feel boring 1 meh ....
so i decide go bk prepare 1st ...
as i wan take bath ....
after they finish play pool ....
so v start go sing K la....
i feel boring ....because the headache...
n x mood ...
dun know y ....
may b very tired....
finally v reached there le....
n v take the RED BOX package ...
that is for student ...
juz around RM20++....each ppl...
including the buffer...
so cheap leh..
i also dun know y ...
juz enter...
n start our sing K....
haha..i very happy ...sing the song until no more sound...
some more i taking the dinner...
as the buffer started....
eat until so full ....
sing also so full....
v start sing the song from 6pm until 9pm .....
3 hours more leh 2 tahan ne....
hihi...i hv call bk 2 my my brother birthday ...
n say happy birthday 2 him 2....
n tell my mom ...i juz finish sing K...
because my mom ask me y ur sound like that ...
haha change aldy ....


New month started (November)

this month may call important 2 me o ntg...
because my birthday coming soon.....
the 3rd of the month....
dun know y ...still keeping bored....
even my birthday is coming ...
so ..ntg can do i right...
then i keep quite there lo....
i decide my birthday week will celebrate in BBQ, clubbing 1....
anyway v plan the BBQ open in Vivian house....
the Ampang there....
so far leh....
b4 that i think i will open it in my house ...
but they say nvm la....go vivian's house celebrate la...
so i juz follow .....
because i wan all my friend happy ma....
ntg 2 write ....
stop here....
hope this month ..
will lucky n happy for all my friend .....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Domino's PIZZA

The nite of willson day
wakaka...I, Fannie, Jacky n YY
go Domino eat the pizza....
so good leh ...~~~
actually ...v didn't plan wan go eat 1...
juz suddenly found the restaurant Domino's Pizza....
so v juz go n eat lo ....
haha so palatable pizza....
eat until so full ....i become FAT boy le ..
how ne ...but i will continue 2 keep fit 1...
so dun worry o ...wakakakka
erm....i take some photo ....
as gv my friends that didn't go eat the pizza 1

haha...I very good leh ....
eat pizza ..still remeber 2 take the photo 2 u all ....haha

c ...this is the Set A as v order from the counter Domino ....
many things ooo....
so thick d Cheese...
v order ~~~~~
1 Regular pizza,
1 garlic cheese onion rings
& 1 more pizza that is thin 1...

Hei some else wan steel the pizza eat...
she is YY lo ...
she very hungry le ...
but i still keep wan take the photo ...
so she come 2 disturb me lo ...

wah ...extra cheese pizza .....
good leh ....
c this picture also feel so full le ...
but anywhere ...i finish eat the pizza aldy ....
4 ppl share the Set A pizza

this is the Garlic Cheese Onion Rings....
very palatable lo ....
if u free ...
u should go try ...
this Domino's Pizza ...
no need pay the tax.....same v the delivery also ...
no need pay the tax also ...
the Domino's Pizza phone is : 1-300-888-333
go try ar....

i am very creative ppl ....

use the garlic onion ring n pizza ....
combine 2gether become the cute mouse..
hihi ^ 0 ^


幸福點點名遊戲規則回答下列問題,貼到自己的網誌or報台寫完後,自己 加一個問題然後傳給十個人,可以點 點過的人,被你點到的人你要去跟他 說,我點到你了。寫完後去跟點到你 人說「我寫完了」不可以不寫喔,不寫幸福就會跑掉喔

1.我的大名 : 陈霆瀚
2.我的生日 : 11月3日
3.誰傳給你的 : VT
4.說出五個好朋友 : Fannie, YY, Xai Xuan, Vivian, Vincent
5.生日想要得到什麼禮物 : Anything
6.近期開心的是 : My birthday was coming soon**
7.近期壓力大的是 : Homework
8.未來想做什麼: MARRY...haha
9.有沒有喜歡的人 : Fannie Wong
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎 : 100%have
11.跟誰出去最幸福 : family and be-lover
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : try 2 console them & kick them 2gether...^^
13.跟情人出去最想去哪 : any long as she is HAPPY
14.聖誕節要做啥 : Go clubbing
15.最想跟誰過聖誕節 : friends & GF
16.有沒有起床气 : Nope...gua ^ ^
17.有幾個兄弟姐妹 : two brothers & 1 sister & 2 younger brothers
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) : Circus
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : 我听见有人叫你宝贝
20.喜歡什麼顏色 : blue , black
21.上廁所會不會先沖水 : Sure will do it
22.愛不愛我 : ??? love who 1st...haha
23.喜歡男生還是女生 : sure girl la
24.最想大聲說什麼 : 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~很闲啊
25.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : y not
26.上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : sure ...==!!
27.誰很欠打 : Some body
28.現在很迷什麼 : last time is dance ...but now still is dance
29.睡相很差 : dunno..never see b4 ~~
30.現在的時間 : 5.05PM
31.是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : No
32.體重多少 : 48kg
33.今天天氣 : Raining
34.你懷孕了嗎 : ==!! i'm boy stupid question ...haha
35.你若中樂透最想做什么 : buy car & house
36.大學生一定要玩的活動 : 在学校大闹一番
37.如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色 你選 : Black...hihi ><
38.你覺得友情是真心的么 : A bit lo...juz depend which friends lo ...

1 Vivian
2 Fannie
3 Vincent
4 Ting Wei
5 Keline
6 Xai Xuan
7 Pei Nan
8 Anthony
9 Ah Wei
10 Shawn

Wangsa Walk Shopping

The nite of Willson Tan day...
so sien ...
dun know what can i do ...
so i decide go wangsa walk shopping lo....
ntg 2 do ma....
use the free time 2 shopping ...
but anywhere...
i ask Jacky n YY ....
accompany me go ...
sure include my gf la ....
if not ...
sure she will kill me ....
i will die ...
Suddenly ....i found some thing make me so surprise
that is the CUP ...
omg ...
so big o ....
the picture as show as below ...
u will frighten

C big is that for the cup...
really is a cup ..
i did't lie o ...

u can believe o x?
the comparison between human being cup n ET cup...
UNBELIEVABLE!!! 1 is most big 1....
n fannie take that cup middle 1....
but also bigger than the normal as human use 1...

i try 2 use the ET cup ...2 drink .....
omg how big the size of my mouth need 2 open ne .....
but this cup make v all so funny....
after come out the shop ...
v still keep continue 2 discuss the BIG cup ...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Boring class

Night of willson day sien ar...
the class in 2day...
dun know y sien ...
x mood wan enter the class
at morning ..the lecturer of statistics class
dun know how 2 use the projector & computer........
make the class so late n boring..
very hate the lecturer ....dun know
how 2 use nvm ...
but dun know how 2 teach ...
omg ...
she juz copy ...n paste ...
after she explain the question ..
then juz show the answer n solution ..
shit la ....
she really dun know how 2 teach lo ...
like that also can ..
then i also can b lecturer..lo ..
so easy nia...
juz show the answer ..
never explain how can get the answer ...


the class make me so bek chek ...
because 2day the lecturer check the attention...
she ask who else help ur friend sign his name..
make me so scare a bit..
as i hv help my friend sign his name bf ...
but anywhere i didn't "chai" her...
i still continue hear my music...
i dun know concentrate in her class...
very boring la ....
after class....
v go canteen take our lunch ...
but my brother chong n vivian they go...
pay their scul fees ...
so i did't follow very lazy n tire...
then i accompany YY go take lunch...
when v reach canteen ...
v dun know what v wan eat ..
i juz buy the drink ...
x eat...
after 1 n half hour...
v nid go enter class again lo ..


the next class also sien n boring ...
the program supervisor also dun know how 2 teach..
juz follow the solution then copy n paste again ...
OMG ...
how come this sem ..
all the lecturers so lazy 1..
i think my result also get poor lo ...
make me so sad lllll....
2day so sien ....
after class ...
xia xuan ask my help ...
teach him how 2 use e-banking pay his scul fees...
then i borrow the motor from my gf ...
bring him go wangsa maju ...
use at least 3 o 4 hours 2 settle it..
but nvm la ..
he is my son ..
juz help him as good as i can ....
i also dun wan my friends ..
so try my best 2 help them lo ...
haiz ...
ntg 2 write ...
so end here lo ..
2moro got class so early ..
at 9am ...
dun know i can wakes up at that time o x..
but try my best la ..
so hope all my friend happy n lucky la

Saturday, October 17, 2009

SAD day

yesterday is friday ..
is my result come out ...
very scare ..
dun know y ...
i never scare before i c my result ..
but dun know what happen
at that time i very scare...
so i force myself dun wan open
the tar college website 2 c my result ...
finally i still open it ...c
my result so bad ...
but lucky i didn't at all
but my friends n my brother them ...
i dun know what can i do
i dun know what can i say
i dun know what can i help
i juz sad at all


1 thing make me so scare n surprise
is i hear that chok leong n YY nig 2 repeat
for the ADIS subject ....
i can't believe that ...
at that time i hope i hear wrong ...
but that is real n true ...
shit n damn ...
2 people is my classmate, my friend, my housemate..
i really feel sad n angry...
sad for i dun wan they repeat...n leave from us
angry for the ADIS's teacher ..
because she let them false the subject
the teacher hv ask them 2 re-do the tutorial
as make good ...
but the result come out ...
u really let us disappointed 2 u ...
how sad for them ...
i dun know how 2 calc for u ...


chong >> i dun know what feeling should i hv
at that time n moment...
yy nid 2 repeat...
leong nid 2 repeat also
ting wei false the accounting subject
u false 3 subject ....
xuan dun wan study
wan withdraw
no mood for doing anything ..
somemore i very sad for my result...
i dun know how 2 face my parent...
at the end i still haven tell my parent
my result ...
because i scare...


2nite...ting wei hv the BBQ party ..
v plan wan buy the beer ...
finally v buy 24 small beer...
during the party ...
some no mood at all ....
me also ...
so i, chong, vivian
decide wan let YY drunk ..
because i feel she really sad ...
as she cry in front of us when
she tell us about her result ...
n she nid 2 repeat...
i can't believe ...
at the end vivian n i vomit...
because drink 2 fast ...
n v didn't eat so much ...
juz a bit
chong no drunk n vomit ..
because he wan drive the car
back 2 his aunty house
but i know he hope he can drunk ...
but drink car let him can't 2 that..
shit myself ...
like that small thing ..i also cannot help chong ...
this brother really useless..


hope u all can accept the bad feeling
n settle it in correct ways...
n lastly i hope u all can happy ...
dun b sad anymore ...
got anything ...can find me ..
talk v me ...
share v me ..
i try my best...

Going bk KL & bad luck

Haiz...wan go bk 2 KL study le...
i still no mood at all...
because not very happy ...
the bus ....
shit la...
smtg happen for the bus ..
look the pic ...
u will know ..

This bus ....lo ...
enjin got problem ...
then the drive decide leave it at besides...
how come like that 1...
so bad luck lo ...

all the customers walk out from bus..
as very hot...
n the driver stand at the site
of road...
because he wan stop some 1 d bus...
help take his customers...
to the KL bus stop ...
lucky juz a few KM...
will reach KL ...
lucky ....
GOD help me ar....
i dun wan like that ...
during that time chong call me ...
ask me wan go small genting o x?
go for what ne?
juz take the dinner lo ...
then nvm la ..
juz go lo
then i ask who hv go ...
he say got jacky , yy, anthony, joe...
but he tell me no enough sit...
because he scare his car..
very small ...
then v will fell trouble...
actually nvm la ..


tat night suddenly traffic jam
damn shit it..
but we 7 ppl share one car go there
on the way going
the car pass though our car
will look into our car
and laugh...
because got 5 ppl sit at the bek...
omg ...
very malu lo ...
then i hide behind of my gf ...
she sit on my leg lo ...
juz some pain ...
traffic jam again ...
omg mg omg omg omg omg


when v reach ampang ...
i fell very happy..
but suddenly ...chong ask me ..
hann r u still remember how 2 go small genting o x..
i very bek chek n geram ..
because he forget how 2 go there...
but i also forgot lo ..
then i ask him try 2 call vivian ...
c whether she can help us go there o x....
finally .....v reach jor...
lucky my legs ntg happen ....
but jacky's legs "ma bi" aldy ...
then he walk like old men ....
v all laugh him ..
so malu la ...


reach there ...nvm ...
no electric suppy at that time..
some time got ...
some time dun hv ...
how 2 enjoy o ...
after v finish taking our dinner ...
v go bk lo ...
suddenly jacky say ...
TBR got 1 snoker shop hv promotion...
gv the customer at 50% discount ...
then they decide go 2 play ...
once play it ...
playing until 2o'clock smtg ...
then i ask them go bk early lo ...
2moro got the class at 9am ...
some more i not feelling well ...
then go bk my house ...
but i still feel happy ...
got a lot of events there when i go bk KL ...
Haiz ....2moro start my study le ...
sien la ...
my luck very bad ar...