Sunday, August 23, 2009



2day nid 2 go my sister convo happy ....haha
go by my brother's car....
somemore bring my gf go 2gether also ...
Wah。。。congratulation to my dear sister...
haha ....u graduted happy...
4 years ..really not very short ..not very long also ....
u aldy finish ur study....also go New Zealand playing...n visiting ..
so geng ar....can u saw that ....tis kind of thing ...
so beautiful toughing...
i wan it a lot of cuty bear on there...
hv snoopy, pig, mini pool,
doremon, frog, masimaro
omg ...who so 'da fang' ..
gv this present to my sister...
i also wan it ...

i taking the photo v my sister ...
n my gf 2gether...
so sweet la....~~~~~Next come to my brother ......
my 'da shao' and my brother turn...
see my brother happy until
smile like that ....
so long didn't saw him
smile like that le ....Hahaha....
my sister faster call me ....
because she wan take the photo v me ...
Hei ....handsome boy n pretty girl ler....
do u c that the middle bear...
is the present that i gv my sister 1...
but so sad la ...
the next DOG as i holding on my hand...
is my 2nd brother gv her 1...
i lose jor...haiz sad la ...
but nvm la ...
the most important is my sister is taking our sister & brother photo lo....
our '6 li ci tao mong'
got a bit same v the
movie ....'jia hao yue yun'....
so lucky...i got sister n brother.... tis 2 gul .....
1 is my father ....
another 1 is my brother...
omg ..u gul saw like very angry ...
actually they no angry la ....
but their face always look like that 1 ....
i also dun know y ....
may b few yrs ago ..
i will become their members... scare....
their face...
but i feel it aldy normal ....
but still got some of my friends
still scare my father.....
i also scare a bit la...
but nvm ...he still is my father ...
my dear father ...
love u ...
haha Finally sister change the cloth 2 normal cloth...
i quicky go take photo v her again ...
hei ....dun see my sister
like younger than me ...
actually she older than me o ....
but now friends say v look
like couple after c tis pic..
omg ....
i wan happy o sad ne...
happy is sister so beautiful ....
the sad 1 is ...i look like very old meh ...
shit la ...~~~~~~
haha anywhere....v still happy also ....
after that v go take lunch lo .....
so hungry la


Tis class ..very boring .....
dun know what happen ....
feel very sleepy..
wan 2 sleep d ..but the lecturer like always
call the name of student go down answer his question ..
bad la ..i didn't stady at all yet ...
dun know how answer..
haha lucky ...he didn't my name ....
bf start the class ...
the fat vivian sleep on the chair...
tis fat girl ..really dun care her imaj 1..
but nvm la ...v think she is a boy ...
is ok ...nvm ...

so cute d vivian panda.....
haiz...the funny khuan chong disturb vivian again le...
using the lecturer's destop drawing the panda ..
somemore writing her name biside the cute panda also ...
after she saw that ...
wah so noise la ....the 'boy'....
omg ...she scold khuan chong....also...
she so angry say 'Tan khuan chong'......
the ppl inside the lecture hall also can hear that ...omg ....she really not a girl ..
how come she can doing like that ..
but nvm la ...
juz kidding n playing ...
because i also hv join it ..
yeh, finish the class le ...
but later still got class...
come on , i take my 'hui wen mei mei'....pic....
she dun know i taking she still keep taking her lunch....
so concentrate eating ....
really is superwomen a .....
doing everything also very hardworking ....
but she always say she not hardwoking ...
she doing like that as she dun know how 2 do ...
girl ...dun lie me la ...
i can feel that u r hardwoking until crazy le ...
relax....dun b so ....
everything will be ok ....

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Haiz.....2day nid to replace the class from 5.30pm to 8.00pm

swt la ....what the f....she replace the class until so late

v x nid go bk meh ....

no nid eat meh...

v say x nid replace....then she say 100% wan replace the class.

haiz what v say ..she never hear ....

the tutor really bad....

but she hv gv us rest a few min...

then v all go toilet around 15min...

haha because all so tired aldy...

some ppl sick n not feeling well also ....

can u c got who inside the photo...

u guess la ...


no answer because i also forgot le

Wah, so many ppl walk in front of me....i taking the photo ..

they also dun know ...all rush ....

just hear wan go where eat la...hungry la ...some f#$%$% the tutor haha

so many ppl ...dun know got some 'ppl' is i dun know ..n i can't c 1?After the tutor say "that's all 2day"

v all happy like bird can fly jor...


v all quick arrange our things...

the most faster is Vivian...

bf end the class.

she take taking the bag wan go bk le ...

the scul so "black"...when v going bk...

vivian very scare..but useless, still wan walk out the class ....

hahaha...because v all didn't 'chai' her....

until 8.00 o'clock aldy so bad le ....

raining also ...

tis pic is taking by me in front of main block...

that is new building for our SAS...

so beautiful...n light...

i also quickly going to TBR taking dinner...

v all feel hungry leh ....

after that v change the plan ...

v go 'Cola club' taking our dinner..

Can u see that ...

so delicios...
faster faster eat hungry le...
eat eat eat
eat eat eat eat eat
eat eat eat eat eat eat eat
eat eat eat eat

...FULL LE ...


Congratulation to my brother ....
ur birthday ..dun hv present
but at least i hv buy a cake for u o ...
this is 1st time that i celebrate v u
in "Station 1 cafe"...
actually v plaing the poker 1st
after i tell my brother's gf got another games
then v change 2 play "Building"
this name is created by my brother's gf
haha so funny .....Kenny ..y u face look so serious ....
juz game...haha
my brother also keep in helping
becouse he very "geng"
i also dun know y he so geng
but he never smile in front of us...
just some time..but nvm la
i still happy ....because i got cake eat..
Finally, u take photo at 12.01a.m....haha
v help my brother calc down ...



is me willson ..... sien ar...

2day is presentation of English for communication...

really boring....

dun know what can i do ..

juz take photo lo ....haha

after my presentation ...

i feel can fly

because aldy settle 1 thing that let me trouble 1..

dun know y i very hate presentation

somemore the tutor gv us ...that topis so hard..

the marry and devoice

so swt la ..i haven married

how i can present that topic ne?


the tutor gv us the sub topic bf v presen that is

"devoice rate is increasing by a day, so marry is waste the money"

wah n..omg, no idea at all

because that is very boring topic...

v search from internet

so dun hv tis topic ba ..haiz...bek chek

nvm i take photo v my son...chee kwan

# Ah b , y u so happy
smile like that
haha #